Topic of the Week

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Topic of the Week

2024 Entrepreneur Summit

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 - 3:57pm

For more information visit | Para más información, visita


Broward Tax Pro Extended Services

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - 4:54pm

FREE Tax Prep / Amended Taxes + CHILD TAX CREDIT (CTC) until mid-October.
Declaraciones / Enmiendas SIN COSTO y CREDITO TRIBUTARIO POR HIJOS hasta mediados de octubre.

AHORA podemos ayudarlo con las solicitudes de ITIN. Contáctenos hoy para detalles.

Click for information.

Click aquí para detalles.




Información de Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para venezolanos

Saturday, March 20, 2021 - 1:33pm

Si usted es ciudadano venezolano en los EE. UU. y no tiene un estatus migratorio permanente aquí, es posible que pueda solicitar el Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS), que le permitiría vivir y trabajar legalmente en los EE. UU. durante el tiempo que Venezuela esté designado como país TPS.

Más detalles:



Make My Gift!

Friday, November 8, 2019 - 5:35pm


We dream of a community of successful children and stronger families.

When people fall short of achieving their full potential, our communities suffer. Our goal is to help children, youth, and adults achieve their full potential, so we may have an equitable and inclusive community.

As their equal partners, HUF works with families to identify the factors that challenge their overall wellbeing. Together, we identify solutions, access new resources, and sharpen existing skills.

In particular, our two-generation (2Gen) approach boosts the power of HUF’s programs and services, by linking previously disconnected communities to indispensable resources.

Since 1982, HUF has served more than 430,000 individuals. Our work in the areas of civic engagement, economic development, and education is made possible by the support of our partners, funders, and donors.

Share our dream - make your gift today!

What is Giving Tuesday?

Friday, November 8, 2019 - 5:29pm


What is Giving Tuesday?

#GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses and communities in countries around the world. Millions of people have come together to support and champion the causes they believe in and the communities in which they live. This year, Giving Tuesday takes place on December 3rd.


How can you participate in #GivingTuesday?

Click the “Take Action” tab on the main menu of our website. From there, you can sign up for an Empowerment Tour, Volunteer, Join our Circle of Friends, and/or Make a Gift!

Save the Date: 2019 E-Summit

Thursday, August 8, 2019 - 9:47am


The 8th Entrepreneur Summit is a great event that connects emerging entrepreneurs with successful business experts. It is an amazing opportunity to exchange ideas and network with like-minded professionals and other small business owners who can provide connections, guidance and inspiration.

As a learning and networking event for aspiring & emerging business owners it will showcase the diverse array of businesses that contribute to South Florida’s regional economy. Hundreds of attendees will connect with other business owners and professionals, learn from subject matter experts how to start and grow their businesses, and receive insights and best strategies for success. The event will feature a master class on networking with an opportunity for hands-on learning, keynote speaker, and American Dreamer Award presentation and panel discussion. The day also will include several workshops (two in Spanish) and an exhibit hall with 30+ business support organizations.



HUF will host its Spring Open House!

Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 4:21pm

Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF) will host its Spring Open House on Wednesday, May 8th from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. for community leaders and supporters. To RSVP, see LINK BELOW.

Learn how you make it possible for HUF to serve 18,000+ toddlers, youth and adults each year with 12 programs and 30+ services across South Florida.

HUF's CEO/President Josie Bacallao will welcome guests and share the agency’s history and how HUF is building the future of our community on a foundation of excellence. Guests are invited to participate in a brief agency tour. Light breakfast refreshments will be served.

Please RSVP no later than Wednesday, May 1st on the Eventbrite page:

This event is part of #10DaysofConnection, a community-led initiative to build relationships across lines of difference!




Disaster Case Management - Manejo de casos de desastre

Thursday, March 7, 2019 - 5:14pm

IN ENGLISH (Ver informació en español abajo)

View the program flyers here. Bolantes del programa en español aquí.

Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF), a non-profit established in Broward County in 1982, is working in partnership with Broward County United Way and the American Red Cross to provide Disaster Case Management (DCM) to support recovery for affected Broward County residents with unmet needs.

Broward residents who may have suffered damage to property or personal belongings as a result of Hurricane Irma, may qualify for Hurricane Irma Financial Assistance if certain criterion are met. This assistance is not a loan and would not have to be repaid. It is provided by the generosity of donors through the American Red Cross. Hispanic Unity of Florida, in partnership with the United Way of Broward County, received a grant to support Broward County residents who are still recovering from the damages of Irma and still have unmet needs.


A Hispanic Unity case manager will help cover unmet needs of individuals through a personalized recovery plan consisting of:

1) Assessment of survivor's Hurricane Irma-related needs

2) Guidance through the FEMA appeal process

3) Development of a personal disaster recovery plan

4) Connection with necessary resources, such as housing (i.e., roof repair, mold remediation), employment, financial assistance, food transportation, health insurance, legal, referral services, childcare referral, youth services, clothing, and other unmet needs.

Individuals are encouraged to call and set up an appointment to review the eligibility criteria and submit an application, if they are eligible.

We encourage residents to bring the following documents: Photo ID and if possible, proof of home ownership, such as deed or homestead exemption letter from the tax collector.  Individuals who are renting, may be eligible and would also need to bring a photo ID and copy of their lease. Even if clients do not qualify for Red Cross assistance, many other resources are available to help unmet needs from Hurricane Irma.


En español

View the program flyers here. Bolantes del programa en español aquí.

Los residentes del Condado Broward que pueden haber sufrido daños a la propiedad o pertenencias personales, como resultado del huracán Irma, pueden calificar para la Asistencia financiera del huracán Irma si se cumplen ciertos requisitos. Esta asistencia no es un préstamo y no tendría que ser reembolsada. Es proporcionada por la generosidad de los donantes a través de la Cruz Roja Americana. Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF), en asociación con United Way of Broward County, recibió una subvención para apoyar a los residentes del condado de Broward que aún se están recuperando de los daños de Irma y aún tienen necesidades no satisfechas.


Un trabajador social HUF ayudará a cubrir las necesidades no satisfechas de las personas a través de un plan de recuperación personalizado que consiste en: 1) Evaluación de las necesidades relacionadas con el huracán Irma; 2) Orientación a través del proceso de apelación de FEMA; 3) Desarrollo de un plan personal de recuperación de desastres; 4) Conexión con los recursos necesarios, como vivienda (es decir, reparación de techos), empleo, asistencia financiera, transporte de alimentos, seguro de salud, legal, servicios de referencia, referencia de cuidado infantil, servicios para jóvenes, ropa y otras necesidades no satisfechas.

Se hace un llamado a los afectados para que hagan una cita y así revisar los requisitos de elegibilidad y enviar una solicitud, si son elegibles.

Alentamos a los residentes a traer los siguientes documentos: identificación con foto y, si es posible, prueba de propiedad de la vivienda, como por ejemplo una escritura o una carta de exención de propiedad del cobrador de impuestos. Las personas que están alquilando pueden ser elegibles y también necesitarían traer una identificación con foto y una copia de su contrato de arrendamiento. Incluso si los clientes no califican para la asistencia de la Cruz Roja, hay muchos otros recursos disponibles para ayudar con las necesidades no satisfechas del huracán Irma. Para programar una cita o si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con: JAIME APONTE - 954-743-8687 - JAPONTE@HISPANICUNITY.ORG.

Prepare for the November 6, 2018 election!

Thursday, August 16, 2018 - 3:04pm


Find updated information on what IDs are accepted to vote - and a printable wallet-sized voter ID information card on this link:

Other Resources:




HUF Receives National Recognition from the IRS for the VITA program

Wednesday, May 2, 2018 - 5:11pm


Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. (HUF) is pleased to announce it has received national recognition by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the Celebrating Champions of Caring: Partnership Innovation and Best Practices category for its service excellence in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program in Broward County. Out of 2,500 national VITA providers, forty providers were recognized including HUF and St. Thomas University from Miami.

The VITA program, established by the IRS in 1969, offers safe, effective and free tax preparation services to 3.3 million individuals with low-to-moderate incomes, the elderly, disabled and/or tax filers with limited English proficiency across the country. VITA is a vibrant community effort with five thousand VITA sites that recruit, train and certify more than 90 thousand local volunteers. It provides over $3.3 billion in refunds nationwide, and saves tax filers at least $242 million in tax preparation fees. At VITA sites, tax filers maximize refundable tax credits that often go unclaimed, such as the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit—widely regarded as one of the most effective federal anti-poverty programs. While its biggest impact is felt on the individuals and families it serves, the benefits of the program extend to the communities it enriches, as recipients invest much of their refunds back into their locally economies every year.

In Broward County, the VITA program is driven by dozens of community organizations, partners, funders, elected officials (called VITA Champions), and a network of dedicated volunteers-- who are the lifeblood of the program and get recruited every year through HandsOn Broward.

Under the leadership and the auspices of Children’s Services Council of Broward County (CSC), HUF –a VITA provider for 16 years– has coordinated the program and administered the resources of the Broward VITA Coalition (BVC) for the past seven years.

Read more>>

Hispanic Unity of Florida: Client Stories

Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF) is a non-profit founded in 1982 by community leaders to ease the acculturation transition for newcomers from other nations. Today, HUF provides assistance through 12 programs and 30+ services in four languages to South Florida's diverse community. HUF, an UnidosUS Affiliate, is one of South Florida’s largest agencies dedicated to the immigrant population, providing them with the tools they need to build a new life. Since its inception, HUF has served nearly 500,000 people.